18DentalTxt.com Provides Inbound Text Appointments with Your Dental Practice when Patient Texts their Zip Code to Any of Our 50+ Memorable Text Enabled Dental Branded Phone Numbers.
18DentalTxt Provides 2-Way Texting and Exclusive Memorable Dental Branded Phone Numbers to Generate More Patient Appointments for Your Dental Practice in Alaska.
18DentalTxt Provides 2-Way Texting and Exclusive Memorable Dental Branded Phone Numbers to Generate More Patient Appointments for Your Dental Practice in City: Alaska
18DentalTxt Provides 2-Way Texting and Exclusive Memorable Dental Branded Phone Numbers to Generate More Patient Appointments for Your Dental Practice in Zip code: , of Alaska
Text messaging is way of communication for millennials and modern age. Inbound text appointment is unique and patent pending technology offered by 18DentalTxt.com. Our platform also provides 2-way texting, text reminders and review gathering using text messages. Your dental practice needs the communication tools including email and text messaging to keep you ahead of competition.
Our platform provides all in one dental marketing to generate more patient appointments, communication and project your dental practice as an expert in local market. Get your practice listed on 50+ memorable and text enabled phone numbers tied to dental branded web directories and receive unlimited patient appointments.
Get your dental practice listed for FREE. Also receive an e-book on dental marketing funnel that we use to grow your practice.
We know what is needed to bring in more patients to your practice.
Memorable Branding
Listing in Over 50+ Dental Directories
Appointment Booking Using Text
Appointment Booking on Website
Call, Click and Text options for Appointments
Call Tracking and Recording
2-way Text communication
Local Display Ads
Social Marketing
Reputation Monitoring
Customized Website with Responsive Design
Search Engine Optimized
Hosting and Security
Unlimited Updates and Support
Half Yearly Website Refresh
Dental Directories
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